ORCID: 0000-0003-0609-7088 Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Renata-Macaitiene LinkedIn: https://lt.linkedin.com/in/renata-macaitiene-1321a5136 |
Research Area: |
Natural Sciences, Mathematics (N001) |
Scientific Interests: |
Analytic number theory: theory of Dirichlet series, studies on the behavior of zeta and L-functions. |
Present Position: |
Chief Researcher |
Education, academic titles: |
2006, Doctor degree (Physical Sciences, Mathematics). Vilnius University. [Thesis: Discrete limit theorems for general Dirichlet series] 2018, Professor’s pedagogical title (Physical Sciences). Šiauliai University. |
Experience (Past Positions): |
Since 2021, Chief Researcher / Professor. Vilnius University, Šiauliai Academy. Since 2002, Lector / Assoc. Professor / Professor. Šiauliai State College. 2003 – 2021, Assistant / Lector / Assoc. Professor / Professor / Chef Researcher. Šiauliai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. 2004 – 2006, Lector. Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. 2001 – 2003, Lector/ Junior Researcher. Šiauliai University, Faculty of Education. 1999 – 2002, Lector. Šiauliai Higher Technical School. 1998 – 2001, Teacher of Mathematics. Šiauliai S. Daukantas Secondary School. |
Publications: |
Study subjects: |
Theory of Complex Functions, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Computer Statistics, Statistical Data Analysis, Financial Calculations, Analytic Number Theory, Theory of Dirichlet L functions. |
Projects: |
Research projects: 2022.04.01 – 2025.03.31, Zeta functions: going beyond the Riemann`s case (Beyond Riemann zeta function, Nr. S-MIP-22-81). Research Council of Lithuania. Chief researcher. 2020.01.02 – 2020.06.30, Research on the heterogeneous growth effects of public debt (PUBDEB, Nr. S-MIP-19-65). Research Council of Lithuania. Concultant-expert. 2013 – 2016, Gender, Science, Technology and Environment (GenderSTE, No. TA1201). COST. Deputy person of Lithuanian representative V. Šidlauskienė on Management Committee. 2012–2015, Institutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research (INTEGER, No. 266638). European Commission FP7 Project. Researcher. 2013.07.01 – 2013.12.15, Internationale Konferenz und Gastvorlesungen zur analytischen Zahlentheorie. Baltic-German University Liaison Office (Baltisch-Deutschen Hochschulkontors), German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Academisher Austauschdienst – DAAD). Implementer. Study projects: 2022.06.13 – 2022.06.18, International Summer School for Students. "Nordplus Intensive course in the framework of Agrometrics network". Lecturing and organizing students group work (on the application of mathematics in real life); the leading person of the student team of Economics Study programme. Riga Technical University. 2020.05.15 – 2021.10.01, Math application in the context of socio-economic environment (NPHE-2020/10188). Nordplus Higher Education 2020. Researcher, manager-coordinator of the project at Šiauliai Academy (executing authority – Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies). 2021.02.22-2021.07.16, Development and implementation of digital education content (Nr. 09.2.1-ESFA-V-726-03-0001), Activity 1.1.1 “Development of general education programs and accompanying materials“. National Agency for Education. Methodologist (scientist). 2019.05.01 – 2020.05.01, Transformation of the study course “Mathematics for Economists” for building of the competences necessary for sustainable development (NPHE-2019/10293). Nordplus Higher Education. Researcher, manager-coordinator at Šiauliai University (executing authority – Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technolgies). 2016.06.15 – 2017.10.01, Raising awareness about the role of Math skills in building specialists competence for the sustainable development of society (NPHE-2016/10342). NordPlus. Researcher, manager-coordinator at Šiauliai University (executing authority – Latvia University of Agriculture). 2011 – 2013, Cross-border network for adapting mathematical competences in the socioeconomical development (MATNET, LLIII-122). Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. Researcher, administrator. 2010 – 2012, Systematic improvement of teachers' skills in order to pursue the educational study innovation (EDUKOM, Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-088). Participant. |
Internships, Research visits, Grants: |
2023.08.07 – 2023.07.13. Universality, Zeta-Functions, and Chaotic Operators (Universalité, fonctions zêta et opérateurs chaotiques), Mathematics research institute / International Centre Meetings Mathematics – CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Marseille (France). 2022.11.21 – 2022.11.25. International Staff Week – SIES 2022. Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo – INTEC (Dominican Republic). 2020.01.27 – 2020.02.04, Math application in the context of socio-economic environment. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia). 2011.05.09 – 2011.05.15, E-learning in Technical and Social Study Programmes. University Polytechnic de Valencia. Spain. 2010.12.12 – 2010.12.23, Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects. Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University; Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Tokyo University (Japan). 2006.05.30 – 2006.06 11, Number Theory and Random Matrix Theory. Rochester University (JAV). 2012 – 2013, researcher’s grant- scholarship (contract No. LYMOS-SP12030). Promotion of gender equality in science (Lyčių lygybės moksle skatinimas – LYMOS), Activity 1.2.1 “Application of financial support for scientists and other researchers”. European Structural and Investment Funds. |
Scientific Dissemination: |
Interview "65th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society" (in Lithuania), June, 2024: https://www.14dd5266c70789bdc806364df4586335-gdprlock/watch?v=oAnoif4VDko Interview "Study programme of Financial mathematics at VU Šiauliai Academy 2022" (in Lithuania), 2022 May: https://www.14dd5266c70789bdc806364df4586335-gdprlock/watch?v=xu20T3qu8qM Interview (in Lithuanian) dedicated to the International Women's and Girls' Day in Science, STEAM Šiauliai, February 9, 2021: FB “STEAM Šiauliai”. Mathematical knowledge and the ability to analyze – the best-selling competencies of the future and the basis for any profession. Interview (in Lithuanian), 2020 July 7, Delfi: https://www.delfi.lt/partnerio-turinys/studijos2020/matematines-zinios-ir-gebejimas-analizuoti-perkamiausios-ateities-kompetencijos-ir-pamatas-bet-kokiai-profesijai.d?id=84700825 On the mathematics and poetry. Wednesday’s PODCAST (in Lithuanian), 2019 June 12, Šiauliai University TV:https://www.14dd5266c70789bdc806364df4586335-gdprlock/watch?v=ZvNn6hnSfdI |
Expert, consulting activities: |
Since 2005, reviewing of mathematical papers and books in an International Data bases Mathematical Review / MathSciNet and Zentralblatt MATH. Since 2015 m., Member of the groups for tasks preparation and evaluation in the Šiauliai County students Math Olympiads organized at Šiauliai Academy (former – Šiauliai University). Since 2012 m., Member of the groups for tasks preparation and evaluation in the International Olympiad of Young Mathematicians, Šiauliai Academy (former – Šiauliai University). 2019 – 2020, Member of the executive group for renewal the Descriptor of the group of study fields of mathematical sciences in Lithuania. Centre of Quality Assessment in Higher Education (in Lith. SKVC). 2016 – 2019, Member of the expert group in the international Mathematical Olympiads for students organized at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. 2017 – 2019, Member of the Expert groups in the international seminar-discussions (Competences for Sustainable Development in Regions, On the Transformation of the Math Education into EDS, Math Education role in the Society Sustainable Development) organized at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Participation in the activities of doctoral committees: Member of the Board: • Vytautas Stepas. Moments of additive functions defined on random assembles. 2017, Vilniaus universitetas. • Laura Žvinytė. Discrete uniform limit law for additive functions. 2017, VU. • Jonas Šiurys, Linear recurrence sequences of composite Numbers. 2013, VU. • Andrius Grigutis, Value distribution of Lerch and Selberg zeta-functions. 2012, VU. • Saulius Zamarys, Moments of L-Functions. 2007, VU. • Algirdas Javtokas, Value Distribution of Some Non-classical Zeta-functions. 2007, VU. Opponent: • Albertas Zinevičius, Curves over number fields and their rings of integers. 2013, VU. • Aivaras Novikas, Composite numbers in the sequences of integers. 2012, VU. • Paulius Drungilas, Height of algebraic numbers. 2008, VU. • Rūta Ivanauskaitė, Value Distribution Theorems for Zeta-Functions of Certain Cusp Forms. 2007, VU. Referee: • Erikas Karikovas, Self-approximation of Hurwitz zeta-functions. 2015, VU. 2017 – 2019, Member of the commission for evaluation of science promotion essay/papers, the competitions were organized by TV show “Mokslo sriuba" (Science Soup) of the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technologies and by the Science promotion blog “Konstanta 42" (Constant 42): 2019, 2018, 2017 . |
Awards: |
2022.06.16, Medal of Lithuanian Educator Zigmas Žemaitis, Lithuanian Mathematical Society Award for contribution to Lithuanian Science, Education and National Culture.https://www.sa.vu.lt/naujienos/997-profesore-dr-renata-macaitiene-apdovanota-zigmo-zemaicio-vardo-medaliu 2018, nominated and elected as the best scientist of the year at Šiauliai University. 2015.12.17, Šiauliai University SCIENCE AWARD for the contribution to sustainable development of the country and the region, and the progress of science in Šiauliai University (the Scientists’ group category). Scientists’ group: prof. dr. habil. A. Laurinčikas, prof. dr. R. Macaitienė, prof. dr. R. Kačinskaitė, prof. dr. D. Šiaučiūnas, doc. dr. V. Garbaliauskienė, E. Buivydas. See more. |
Other Related Activities: |
Since 2022 July 1, Member of Vilnius University Senate: https://www.vu.lt/en/about-vu/structure/university-senate Since 2021 June 1, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society (LMD): http://www.lmd.mif.vu.lt/valdyba/ Since 2003, Member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society (LMD). Since 2021 April 1, Member of the Council of Šiauliai Academy: https://www.sa.vu.lt/naujienos/620-paaiskejo-vilniaus-universiteto-siauliu-akademijos-tarybos-galutine-sudetis Since 2021, Member of the Commission for Certification and Admission of Teachers and Researchers at Šiauliai Academy.https://www.sa.vu.lt/apie/struktura/komisijos#priemimo-atestacijos-komisija Since 2021, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Applied Scientific Research (Taikomieji moksliniai tyrimai). Since 2017, Chairperson of the Committee for Attestation and Admission of Teachers at Šiauliai State College. Since 2017 February 22, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Siauliai Mathematical Seminar. Since 2014, Member of Academic Council at Šiauliai State College: https://svako.lt/lt/apie-mus/valdymas/akademine-taryba Since 2007, Member of American Mathematical Society: https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/703787 2018 – 2023, Formal supervising the group of scientists who investigated the problems of analytic number theory (this field is a part of the priority research area Natural sciences and advanced technologies at Šiauliai Academy). 2019 – 2020, Member of the Council of Šiauliai University (until the reorganization of ŠU into ŠA). 2018 – 2020, Member of the Commission for Certification and Admission of Teachers and Researchers at Šiauliai University. 2017 – 2020, Member of the Ethics Commission for Employees and Students from Šiauliai University. 2016 – 2019, Member of Senate at Šiauliai University; 2017 – 2019, Chairperson of the Senate Science and Art Commission. 2016 – 2019, Member of the Council of Research Institute at Šiauliai University. 2016 – 2018, Member of the Council of Faculty of Technology, Physical and Biomedical Sciences at Šiauliai University. |