

Vilnius University Library is an academic library of the national significance that was founded back in 1570 in Vilnius. Being the earliest academic library in the Baltics, it has in its holdings over five million documents, hosts about 45 thousand registered users and employs over 200 people. The Library consists of the Central Library, the Scholarly Communication and Information Centre (SCIC), as well as libraries of faculties and centres. The Central Library still works in authentic 16th-century premises that are an integral part of the old campus of Vilnius University. The SCIC – the modern part of the Library equipped with most advanced technologies and situated in Saulėtekis avenue – provides users with opportunity to study or work 24/7.The mission of Vilnius University Library is to provide high quality information services while fully meeting the needs of students, professors and researchers, to participate in the open science initiatives, and to open the rich scholarly and cultural heritage kept at the Library to the public. Vilnius University Library is open, modern and dynamic, while the environment it provides is perfect for individual and group work or simply relaxing with a book.




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