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Phone : +37061526442 ORCID : : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Virginija-Sidlauskiene-2 Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Virginija-Sidlauskiene-2 |
Research Area: |
Social sciences, Educology S007 |
Scientific Interests: |
Research management and evaluation of research from a gender equality perspective; gender in the organization; intersectionality in studies, research and innovation |
Present Position: |
Research Peofessor |
Education: |
Doctor of social sciences |
Experience (Past Positions): |
45 |
Publications: |
Projects: |
1. EC Horizon Europe projektas Policy coordination to advance the implementation of the ERA gender equality and inclusiveness objectives within Member States (2022-2025) (expert, beneficiary), https://genderaction.eu/about-us/ 2. Project Ending Sexual Harassment and Violence in Third Level Education (ESHTE), EC Horizon 2020 programm JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/SEX/849, 2016-2019 (expert, researcher). 3. COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, project GenderSTE – Gender, Science, Technology, Environment, 2016 (Board member, national representative). |
Internships, Grants: |
2. LINO grants 3. Professional development courses: Europa Training (Europa Media) – Financial and Project Management (Budapest) |
Practical experience: |
Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Women's LobbyIng Organization; Ex-resident of the Association of Lithuanian University Women; Member of the Lithuanian Union of Scientists |
Applied research projects: |
1. Study Gender Impact Assessment (2015), https://socmin.lrv.lt/uploads/socmin/documents/files/Projektu-konkursai/MVLG%20konkursai/4-2-priedas_Poveikio_lytims_vertinimo_metodika_2015_12_28.pdf 2. K. McCracken, A. Niżyńska, J. Phuntsok, Opcit (JK), M. Carpenter, M. Marquez, D. Ghailani, R. Várnagy, V. Šidlauskienė (bendraautorė), J. Lovenduski, J. Phuntsok Analysis of political parties’ and independent candidates’ policies for gender balance in the European Parliament after the elections of 2014, (2015), https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2015)536448 |
Scientific Dissemination: |
Šidlauskienė, V., Pocevičienė, R. (2015). Closing Gender Gap in Economic Decision-making in Lithuania. Research Resumè. Vilnius: Araneum. [in Lithuanian]. UDK 331.5(474.5) (075) Ši-16, p. 20. |
Expert, consulting activities: |
EIGE Expert Forum memeber (2009-2018) Expert of Lituanistika programm International expertise: OSB Consulting GmbH, Vienna, Austria, Czech Academy of Sciences, etc. |
Awards: |
Awarded 2011 year Šiauliai University researcher's nomination |