
Dalė Dzemydienė

Phone: +37068563352



Research Gate:


Research Area:

Natural sciences, Informatics; Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering; Social Sciences, Management

Scientific Interests:

Artificial intelligence, design and development of knowledge-based systems

Present Position:



Higher education graduation diploma, specialty of Applied Mathematics, specialization of engineer-mathematical programmer, Kaunas University of Technology, 1980;

Doctor of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vytautas Magnum University, Vilnius University, Vilnius Pedagogical University Joint Doctoral Council, 1995;

Defended habilitation procedure, at Mykolas Romeris University, 2004.

Experience (Past Positions):

1980-1989 Institute of Physics and Cybernetics of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, junior researcher;

1990-2016 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, researcher;

2005-2009 Mykolas Romeris University, associate professor;

2009 - 2014 Mykolas Romeris University, professor, head of the Department of Informatics and Program Systems;

2014-2017 Mykolas Romeris University, professor;

2017-2023 Vilnius Gediminas University of Technology, Faculty of Business Management, Department of Business Technologies and Entrepreneurship, professor

2017-2022 Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, senior researcher;

2022- until now Vilnius University, Šiauliai Academy, Regional Development Institute, professor



Study subjects:

Teaching in Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral study programs:

Computer modeling of business processes (for the Master's degree program of VUŠA, from 2022);

Data structures and algorithms (for Bachelor study Program systems in VUŠA)

E service design principles and infrastructure solutions;

E-service for business algorithms (VUŠA from 2020 for the Bachelor study program Program Systems);

E- commerce basics of information technologies (VU MIF from 2020 an optional subject of the Bachelor's Informatics course);

Financial and business information systems; Databases; Theory of algorithms (MRU from 2000-2017).


Smart specialization project No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0030 Provision of context-aware smart services for operational cargo management, member of the execution group (VGTU) in 2022-2023.

The project "Development of opportunities for the internationalization of the field of computer science studies at Mykolas Romeris University" No. VP1-2-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-024, financed under the 2007-2013, member of scientific group.

The Project of VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K measure "Improving the quality of studies, increasing internationality" of the human resources development action program priority 2 "Lifelong learning". 2011-2013, member of the implementation team

Internships, Grants:

Foggia University, Italy, 2022;

Valensia University, Spain, 202.

Scientific Dissemination:

Reports and press conferences during ICTLT 2021: 15. International Conference on Transportation and Logistics Technology (Roma, Italy) and Computer Days of Lithuanian Computer Associalion 2019, 2023.

Other Related Activities:

Member of the National Distance Education Association;

Member of the Council of the Lithuanian Computer Association (LIKS), Member of the Intelligence Section, Chair of the Audit Commission, Chair of the Legal Informatics Section;

ECCAI member of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence from LIKS;

Member of the Lithuanian Operations Research Society LITORS, member of the Council, chairperson of the Scientific Research Committee for Sustainable Development

EURO member of the European Operations Research Association

Member of Editorial Boards: International Journal "Intellectual Economics" MRU publishing center., 2007-2012,

Journal of Technological Economical Development of Economy, 2008-2018,

International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), InderScience Publisher, since 2006. until now, ISSN (Online): 1751-9128 - ISSN (Print): 1751-911X; Narystė mokslo organizacijose, redkolegijose ir kt.

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