
Tamosiunas Foto

Phone : +370 620 49717



Research Gate:

Research Area:

Social sciences, Management (S 003)

Scientific Interests:

Strategic Institutional Management, Regional Development Management

Present Position:

Professor of the Institute of Regional Development of Šiauliai Academy, Vilnius University


Doctor of Social Sciences (habilitation procedure in the field of management)

Experience (Past Positions):

Since 1975: Lecturer at Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, Šiauliai University, VU Šiauliai Academy. Since 2000 - Associate Professor, since 2010 - Professor. 32 years of administrative work: vice-dean, dean, vice-rector, head of the department.



Study subjects:

Strategic management in the public sector; Public governance research; Socio-economic policy of the regions; Regional development theories and management; Urban and regional planning; Strategic Management


1. 01.12.2012 - 15.10.2015. Project “High Objectives of National Organizational Reform (HONOR)”. Coordinating partner, head of Šiauliai University group of eight employees in the project, lecturer in public administration and distance learning methodology in the Kyrgyz Republic, member of the project management committee. Project no. Tempus 530284-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPHES (2012-3018 / 001-001.

2. 2017–2018. Expert in the Lithuanian Science Council project "Social innovations in the context of regional development: socio-economic development of rural areas (low level of urbanization) and improvement of quality of life". Project no. TAP LB-17-012.

3. 2013-2015. Expert in the project “Preparation and Implementation of the Second Level International Joint Study Program “Regional Socio-Economic Policy and Management” (JOINT-REGION) in the field of social sciences of Šiauliai University. Project no. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-076.

Internships, Grants:

1. 2020 January 26 – 29. European Commission, European Parliament, Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the European Union. Brussels, Belgium. The delegation of 25 representatives of Lithuanian universities participated in trainings and meetings organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania with representatives of the management and public administration institutions of the European Union and Lithuanian euro parliamentarians.

2. 2017-2018. Grodno Yanka Kupala State University, Belarus. A delegation of four researchers from Šiauliai University took part in five visits for 5 days working on the project “Social Innovations in the Context of Regional Development: Socio-Economic Development of Rural Areas (Low Level of Urbanization) and Improving the Quality of Life”. Meetings were held with representatives of the Grodno university, with roundtable presentations and working discussions.

Scientific Dissemination:

1.    2015-2022. 25 presentations at international and national scientific conferences.

2.    2016, 2017. Two articles in professional publications.

Expert, consulting activities:

2019-2021. Member of Expert group for updating the description of the field of study in public administration, operating in accordance with Order No. V-118 of the Director of the Study Quality Assessment Center.


09-07-2008. Badge of Honor of the Governor of Šiauliai County "For Merits to Šiauliai County".

Other Related Activities:

Membership in scientific organizations:

1.   Member of the Baltic Region Association of Researchers (BRTA); member of the board 2013-2022.

2.   Member of European Regional Science Association (ERSA) since 2010.

3.   Member of the Lithuanian Union of Scientists since 1985.

4.   Member of the Lithuanian Language Society since 1995.

Membership in the editorial boards of peer-reviewed scientific journals:


1.   Social Research. ISSN 1392-3110. Vilnius University Šiauliai academy. (Registered in 14 scientific databases).

2.   Applied Scientific Research. ISSN 2783-6290. Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences.

Member of the Editorial Board:

1. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice – Series D. ISSN 1211-555X (Print), ISSN 1804-8048 (Online). The journal is indexed in Scopus, EBSCO Publishing databases.

2. Academic Journal Management and Education. ISSN: 13126121. Published by: “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” University – Burgas, Bulgaria.

3. Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 5. Economics. Sociology. Biology. ISSN 2221-5336. The journal is registered in the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. Founder – Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

4. Professional studies: theory and practice. ISSN 2424-5321. Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences. Indexed in the EBSCO database.

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