
Laura Šukienė



Research Gate:


Research Area:

Field of Physical Sciences, Geography

Scientific Interests:

Ecology and Environmental Science; Aerobiology

Present Position:

Senior researcher, associate professor


Doctor's degree, field of Physical Sciences, field of Geography

Master's degree in Geography

Bachelor's degree in Ecology and Environmental Science

Experience (Past Positions):

Associate Professor (till now)

Senior Researcher (till now)

Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Physics (2015-2017)

Lecturer (2010-2016)

Assistant (2006-2010)



Study subjects:

Climate Change Impact Evaluation, Recreation Ecology, Research Work, Aerobiology, Statistical Evaluation and Modelling of Ecological Data


Scientific projects

VU funds. “Development of an automated sampling module for bioaerosol (LIRGIA)” (2021 –2022). Researcher.

Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). “Evaluation of synergistic effect of allergenic pollen and air quality on human health (LORI)”, No S-MIP-19-53 (2019-2022). Senior researcher.

The European Social Fund under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). „ A novel real-time airborne pollen recognition and modelling system for allergenic pollen forecast (REALTIME), “, No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0066 (2018 – 2021). Senior researcher.

Priority 9 "Public Education and Increasing Human Resources Potential" of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020. ,,Tesk“, No 09.2.1-ESFA-V-727-01-001. (2018 – 2019). Practice / internship supervisor.

Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). “Personal Allergy Symptom Forecasting System (PASYFO)", ECMWF CAMS_95g_SIAULIAI (2017 – 2019). Scientist.

Erasmus+. "Nature recreation – towards sustainable development of ecosystem services (Net4Nat)" (2016 – 2018). Researcher.

Nordplus. „BaltNord network for science communication“, NPHZ-2016/10035 (2016 – 2017). Scientific advisor.

Research Council of Lithuania. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-069 „Genetic susceptibility for severe allergic rhinitis (GSSAR)“. (2013 – 2015). Senior researcher.

The National Research Program “Ecosystems in Lithuania: climate change and human Impact” LEK-15/2010 “Ragweed distribution, invasion possibilities in Lithuania and pollen dispersion in the air (AMBROZIJA)”. (2010-2012). Researcher-modeller.

F7. The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers. "Health Impacts of Airborne Allergen Information Network (HIALINE)" (2009 – 2011). Researcher.

LATLIT. LLII-110 "Joint Research & Technology Unit of Universities for entrepreneurs to diversify rural economic's (JOINT RT UNIT)" (2010 – 2011). Head of the Science and Technology Center.

COST actions:

COST CA18226 – “New approaches in detection of pathogens and aeroallergens (ADOPT)” (2019 – 2023). Participant.

COST FA1203 Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER). (2012 – 2016). Participant.

COST ES0603 "Assessment of production, release, distribution and health impact of allergenic pollen in Europe (EUPOL)" (2007 – 2011). Participant.

Study projects:

LATLIT. LLIV-250 “Joint resistance to bioinvasions for sustainable agriculture and management of natural resources (TEAMWORK)“ (2013 – 2014). Lector.

ERASMUS IP. LLP-ERA-IP-2013-LT-0905 “Nature conservation in different European landscapes: joint research and management (Nacela)” (2013 – 2014). Lector.

ERASMUS IP. LLP-ERA-IP-2010-LT-0446 "Understanding environmental problem through the interdisciplinary education: from dead pheasant to governance (FAGO)“ (2010 – 2011). Lector.

Internships, Grants:

Automated detection of bioaerosols: calibration, training, and data evaluation from different types of instruments. 2021. University of Augsburg (Germany).

An novel real-time airborne pollen recognition and modelling system for allergenic pollen forecast. 2018. Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss), Switzerland.

Outdoor and indoor mould pollution: data from sampling to analysis. 2016. French aerobiology network (RNSA), Lion, France.

Determination and modelling of air bioaerosol dispersion by SILAM. 2009. Finnish Meteorology Institute, Helsinki, Finland.

Modelling of allergenic pollen emissions, dispersion and health effects. 2007. Finnish Meteorology Institute, Department of Air Quality, Helsinki, Finland.

Applied research projects:

Bioaerosol research expert according to (1.57) 15600-INS-138 “Real-time assessment of bioaerosol concentrations service contract ’. Services are provided to the Vilnius city municipality company „Vilniaus Planas“.

Scientific Dissemination:

Expert, consulting activities:

Activities of the Technical Committee of the Lithuanian Standardization Department 36 “Environmental Protection” (2021 - 2026). Authorized representative of Vilnius University in the activities of the Technical Committee of the Lithuanian Department of Standardization 36 “Environmental Protection”. (2021-2026)


7th European Symposium on Aerobiology (2020 November 16–19) the best poster award: L. Šukienė, I. Šaulienė, G. Daunys, G. Valiulis, A. Lankauskas "Fluorescence Peculiarities of Ozone-Exposed Pollen".

Other Related Activities:

European Aerobiology Society (EAS). Member of EAS committee

International Association for Aerobiology. Member

International Society of Biometeorology. Member

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