
I. Sauliene1


ORCID : 0000-0003-0250-1127

ResearcherID: J-9320-2019

Scopus ID: 15066064700

Research Gate:


Twitter @Ingrida_S (

Research Area:

Natural Sciences. Ecology and Environmental Science

Scientific Interests:

Aerobiology. Physiological-biochemical properties of pollen, features of airborne pollen dispersion and burden on personal health, the allergenic potential of greenery, development, and implementation of measures to reduce the impact of allergenic pollen on public health.

Present Position:

Professor, chief researcher


Doctor of the field of biomedical sciences (botany)

Experience (Past Positions):

2021 – present Chief Researcher at Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy

2021 – present Professor at Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy

2015–2020 Chief Researcher at Šiauliai University

2012–2020 Professor at Šiauliai University

2016–2018 Vice-Rector for Science and Art at Šiauliai University

2015–2016 Director of Šiauliai University Research Institute

2005–2014 Head of Department of Environmental Research at Siauliai University

1996–2012 Assistant - Associate Professor at Siauliai University



Study subjects:

Aerobiologia, Atmospheric bioaerosols; Development and management of environmental projects


Scientific projects

-        HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-16 Nr. 101060784 „AI-augmented ecosystem for Earth Observation data accessibility with Extended reality User Interfaces for Service and data exploitation (EO4EU)“. Project partner coordinator, chief researcher. 2022 –2025.

-        VU funds. “Development of an automated sampling module for

-        bioaerosol (LIRGIA)” Researcher. 2021 –2022.

-        Lithuanian research council. Evaluation of synergistic effect of allergenic pollen and air quality on human health (LORI), project leader, chief researcher. 2019-2022.

-        EUMETNET program “Automatic Pollen Detection Network (AutoPollen)”, project partner coordinator. 2018-2022

-        09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0066 “A novel realtime airborne pollen recognition and modeling system for pollen forecast (REALTIME)", chief researcher. 2017-2021.

-        ECMWF CAMS Personalised Allergy Symptom Forecasting (PASYFO)", project leader, chief researcher. 2017-2019.

-        NPHZ-2016/10035. Nordplus Horizontal “BaltNord network for science communication”, project partner coordinator. 2016.

-        VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-069 „Genetic susceptibility for severe allergic rhinitis", chief researcher. 2013-2015.

-        National Scientific Program „Lithuania ecosystems: climate change and human impact". LEK-15/2010. „Ragweed distribution, invasion possibilities in Lithuania and pollen dispersion in the air (AMBROSIA)", project leader, chief researcher.2010-2012.

-        Lithuanian Research Infrastructures MT-01/2010 "National Aerobiological Research Infrastructure", project leader. 2010.

-        The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers. Health Impacts of Airborne Allergen Information Network (HIALINE), project coordinator at Siauliai University, chief researcher. 2009-2011.

COST actions

-        CA18226. New approaches in detection of pathogens and aeroallergens (ADOPT). Lithuanian representative, member of Management Committee. 2019-2023.

-        CA17136 - Indoor Air Pollution Network (INDAIRPOLLNET). Lithuanian representative, member of Management Committee. 2018-2022.

-        FA1203 Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER). Lithuanian representative. Member of Steering Committee, member of Selection and Evaluation Group for Short Scientific Mission. 2012-2016.

-        ES0603 Assessment of production, release, distribution and health impact of allergenic pollen in Europe. Lithuanian representative, member of Management Committee. 2007-2011.

Projects on cross-border cooperation

-        LATLIT. LLIV-250 "Joint resistance to bioinvasions for sustainable agriculture and management of natural resources (TEAMWORK)", project manager. 2013-2014.

-        LATLIT. LLII-110 Joint Research & Technology Unit of Universities for entrepreneurs to diversify rural economic's (JOINT RT UNIT), project partner coordinator at Siauliai University. 2010-2011.

-        INTERREG III A. „Cross-border Cooperation of Universities of Latvia -Lithuania-Belarus in Environmental Protection". Project partner coordinator at Siauliai University. 2006-2007.

Students training projects

-        ERASMUS+. “Nature recreation - towards sustainable development of ecosystem services (Net4Nat)”, project manager. 2016-2018.

-        ERASMUS IP. LLP-ERA-IP-2013-LT-0905 "Nature conservation in different European landscapes: joint research and management (Nacela)", project manager. 2013-2014.

-        ERASMUS IP. 2012-1-LV1-ERA10-03691 „Science communication as a tool for future biologists and environmental specialists". Project partner coordinator at Siauliai University. 2012-2013.

-        ERASMUS IP. LLP-ERA-IP-2010-LT-0446 "Understanding environmental problem through the interdisciplinary education: from dead pheasant to governance (FAGO)", project manager. 2010-2011.

Applied research projects:

-        Real-time assessment of bioaerosol concentrations service contract. 2022-2024 More

-        Airborne Allergenic Pollen Assessment in Lithuania, 2022.

-        Contract. Participation in the CAMS_23 project (Provision of EAN Observations) 2021.

-        Plant flowering calendar. Agreement with JSC “Berlin Chemie Menarini Baltic”2016.

-        Arrangement and adaptation of the Dainai Park for public recreation. Agreement with Šiauliai City Municipality. 2015.

Expert, consulting activities:

Expert in activities according to:

-        - Order of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania V-386/D1-391 "On the approval of the description of the system for informing the public about climate changes and the threats they pose to human health"

-        - Order V-1910 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania "Inter-institutional working groups to mitigate the effects of climate change on public health"

Expert activities in standardization institutions:

-        LST TK 36 Environmental Protection

-        CEN/TC 264/WG 28 "Ambient air and emissions – Bioaerosols"

-        CEN/TC 264/WG 39 "Ambient air – Airborne pollen grains and fungal spores"


-        Awarded the title of Daugavpils University Doctor Honoris Gausa, for outstanding scientific achievements in field of biology and significant contribution in the promotion of international recognition of Daugavpils University. 2016.

-        Letter of Thanks from Jurgita Petrauskienė, the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, for many years of sincere scientific and academic work. 2017.

-        Šiauliai University Nomination of the Researcher of the Year. Thanks for sincere work, glorifying Šiauliai University. 2014.

-        Letter of Thanks from V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, for active scientific, educational, administrative activities and the development of international relations in higher education on the 70th anniversary of higher education in Šiauliai. 2018

Other Related Activities:

Editorial board:

-        Frontiers in Allergy. Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Determinants in the role of Review Editor.

-        Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. Member of Editorial Board

-        Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis. Member of International Editorial Board


-        European Aerobiology Society. Member since 2008. General secretary 2012-2016. President 2016-2020. Past president 2020-2024.

-        European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). Member 2015, 2020-2022

-        International Association for Aerobiology. Member since 2004. Member of IAA Council for 2018-2022.

-        International ragweed association. Member since 2011.

-        Lithuanian Scientists’ Association. Member since 2006.

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