
DSC 4444000



Research Gate:


Research Area:

Social Sciences, Business and Public Management

Scientific Interests:

Modernization of Public Sector, e-leadership in local self-government, anti-corruption potential, good governance of regions and municipalities, innovation systems and their management

Present Position:

Associate professor

Since 2023 Advisor for Science and Innovations in the Ministry of Interior (Research Council of Lithuania)


Doctor of Management

Experience (Past Positions):

2021-2024 visiting assoc. professor in the Public Management, Governance & Public Policy School, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

2020-2023  chairperson of “Public Administration” Study Programmes' Committee.

2017–2023 chairperson of “Regional Development and Governance” Study Programme's Committee.

2016–2023 researcher (research fellow) in the field of business and public management.

Since 2005 lecturer in the field of Public Administration



Study subjects:

Introduction to Public Administration Studies (Bachelor studies),

State Management and Administration Systems (Bachelor studies),

Strategic Management of Public Sector (Master studies),

Public Governance Research (Master studies),

Regional Research Methodology (Master studies),

Partnership of the Public and Private Sectors for Regional Innovations (Master studies)


2023.03.01–2024.08.31 Scientific research project “EUMODNEXT Project: Innovative tools and approaches for improving the prevention of fraud in the context of the Next Generation EU funds”, EUAF-2022-TRAI, 101101627. Coordinator – prof. Dr Óscar López de Foronda (University of Burgos, Spain). Project budget – 107.714,76 Euros. Position – researcher.

2023.02.01–2023.10.30 Scientific research project “E-leadership in municipal administrations: the post-pandemic analysis (E-LEADER)”, No. (1.78) SU-501, 2023-03-13. Project partners: Vilnius University (Lithuania) (project coordinator), Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Latvia (Latvia). This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. Project budget – 5 000 Euros. Position – researcher.

2021-11-16–2024-11-15 Project “Development and implementation of a model for assessing the innovation potential of global value chains as a basis for increasing regional competitiveness”. Funded by National Science Fund, contract No КП-06-Н55/8. International School of Business (IBS), Sofia, Bulgaria. The role – researcher, lecturer (implementer).

2021-07-23–2022-05-31, 2022-05-06–2023-08-31 Project “Optimization of the network of higher education institutions and improvement of the quality of studies by merging Šiauliai University to Vilnius University” (Vilnius University (Lithuania)), No. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001. Project is funded by the Operational programme for the European Union Funds' investments in 2014-2020, Priority axis 9 “Public education and increasing the potential of human resources”, measure No. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738 “Development of the network of higher education institutions”. Two activities: "3.2.7. Creating a Unified Corruption Prevention System"; "1.2. Preparation, testing and adjustment of the program for the improvement of lecturers' educational competencies". Coordinator – Vilnius University, Lithuania. The role – project expert; lecturer.

2020-01-01–2021-06-30. EUMODFRAUD Project “Toolkit for the Prevention of frauds in European Funds with Special Attention to ERDF and CF”, HERCULE III programme, EUMODFRAUD HERCULE-LT-AG-2019 878513. Coordinator - University of Burgos, Spain. The role - key researcher in the project activity "Tool for the Prevention of frauds in European Funds with special attention to ERDF and CF".

2019-06-01–2019-11-30 Project “E-leadership in local government organizations”. Coordinator - Siauliai University (Lithuania). Funded by Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor (The Baltic-German University Liaison Office). The role - project researcher.

2018-04-11–2019-12-31. Project “CREATE: creative, unique, caring generation”. Coordinators - Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, University of Social Sciences of Applied Sciences, Lithuania. The role - project lecturer.

2018-09-01–2019-11-01 Project “Formation of Youth Provisions of Intolerance for Corruption in Šiauliai County”, No. 10.1.2-ESFA-K-917-02-0017. Funded by the Operational programme for the European Union Funds' investments in 2014-2020, Priority axis 10 “Society-Oriented Smart Public Administration”. Coordinator -Northern Lithuanian College, Lithuania. The role - compiler of methodical (teaching) book.

2017-01-01–2017-07-19 Project “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia - participation of recognized foreign reviewers”, Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 2016/2017 Umowa nr 569/P-DUN/2016. Coordinator - University of the Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland. The role - reviewer of scientific texts.

Internships, Grants:

2017-03-20 – 2017-03-29 Short-term Internship “Public-private partnership for regional innovations” at Udine University Laboratory for Research in Economics and Management, Department of Economics and Statistics Sciences (Italy). This internship was awarded with the grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Collaboration of the Republic of Italy.

2015-10-18 – 2015-11-01 Short-term internship “Democracy in Practice” at Kent State University, Department of Political Sciences (USA).

Practical experience:

2021-08-01 – 2024-07-31 visiting associate professor. University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Economics, School of Public Management, Governance & Public Policy (Johannesburg, South Africa).

2022-06-22 – 2022-07-21 visiting professor at Chonnam National University, International Summer session. Subject „Innovative Government: A Comparative View“ (Gwangju, South Korea).

2017-06-25 – 2022-07-23 visiting professor at Chonnam National University, International Summer session. Subject „Introduction to Public Administration“ (Gwangju, South Korea).

Since 2022 lecturer in Small Community “ Mokymų klubas”.

Applied research projects:

2020-12-22 – 2022-12-22 Contracted service “Sociological research “Anticorruption environment of Radviliškis district””. Customer: Municipal Administration of Radviliškis District. Executors – the team of researchers from Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University.

2020-11-01 – 2020-12-31 Contracted service “Implementation of sociological research “Anticorruption environment of Šiauliai district””. Customer: Municipal Administration of Šiauliai District. Executors – the team of researchers from Šiauliai University.

2019-11-15 – 2019-12-15 Contracted service – Validation of research questionnaire. The research is focused on academic ethics of Lithuanian researchers. Customer: Office of Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania. Executors – the team of researchers from Šiauliai University.

Scientific Dissemination:

Researchers’ Excellence Network (RENET):

Publications of science dissemination:

Expert, consulting activities:

Methodological book: Jakavonytė, L., Sprindžiūnas, A., Zeliankienė, V., Toleikienė, R., Juknevičienė, V. (2020). Antikorupcinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje (Anti-corruption education in the school of general education). Vilnius: Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra. ISBN 9786099572499, 99 p. URL:

Methodology: 2019-12-09 – 2020-07-01 Contracted service “Creation of the monitoring methodology (mechanism) and the measurement of the influence of targeted measures of the project” has been provided. The created methodology is focused on the evaluation of gender equality in municipalities. Customer: Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsmen of the Republic of Lithuania. Executors – the team of researchers from Vilnius University and Šiauliai University.


2016-10-14 Acknowledgement from the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania for the initiative and significant personal contribution in the organization of conferences, focused on sustainable development of the region.

2007-10-25 The 3-rd place award from Ministry of Economy of Republic of Lithuania for the Master thesis, related with the country's economic growth and competitiveness.

Other Related Activities:

Since 2021 - the certified trainer, having the knowledge and skills to conduct a blended learning course on research integrity, which is embedded in a virtue ethics approach. HORIZON2020 project “Virtue based ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for Upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” (VIRTU2E).

Since 2015 - the Chairperson of the Coordination Committee of Researchers’ Excellence Network (RENET), coordinated by Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy.

Since 2015 - the member of Researchers’ Excellence Network (RENET).

Since 2020 - the member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA).

Since 2020 - the member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).

Since 2016 - the executive editor of scientific journal “Socialiniai tyrimai=Social Research”, ISSN 1392-3110, Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (previous Šiauliai University), Lithuania.

Since 2016 - the member of editorial board of scientific journal “Challenges of the Future”, ISSN 2463-9281, Faculty of Organization Studies in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

Since 2017 - the member of editorial board of scientific journal “Technology, Engineering, Management, Entrepreneurship, Learning (TEMEL) – International Journal”, ISSN 2545-4390, Faculty of Technical Science - Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia.

Since 2017 - the member of editorial board of scientific journal “Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series (ASHUES)”, ISSN 2393-1795, ISSN-L 2068-6900, Spiru Haret University, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, Romania.

2018–2020 - the member of editorial board of scientific journal “Science Journal of Business and Management (SJBM)”, ISSN 2331-0626 (Print), ISSN 2331-0634 (Online), Science Publishing Group, USA.

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