ORCID: 0000-0002-6816-8390
Research Area:
Social sciences, Education (S 007)
Scientific Interests:
Inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, social problems caused by global changes, identity issues, interdisciplinary research.
Present Position:
Associate professor
The head of the Social work Master program
Educational sciences (special education)
Social work studies in the US
Study subjects:
Integration and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Sociocultural identity and exclusin, Migration processes and policy, Migration processes, Special education, Multiple disabilities
- Research Council of Lithuania. "Quality of the workplace of child welfare professionals" 2019-2021.
- Research Council of Lithuania. "People and places: the transformation of community welbeing in the process of deinstitutionalization of care services" 2021-2022.
- The use of technology in social care: discussions about the future directions of social work professionals in Japan and Lithuania (2019 04 – 2020 03). Project manager.
- "Developing a New Network of Researchers on Contemporary European Motherhood (MotherNet)". EU Horizon 2020 Twinning facility (project no. 952366). Head of activity package (WP6) "Research development".
Internships, Grants:
Applied research projects:
- Research "Evaluation of changes in social skills and quality of life of disabled people receiving community services", 2019-2020. The Ministry of Social security and labor the". Researcher at one stage of the study.
- The study "Experiences of families taking care of disabled persons during the pandemic". The Commission for Monitoring the Rights of People with Disabilities. 2020-2021. (Together with Šumskiene E., Mataityte-Diržiene J.).
- Research "Integration of children with disabilities in schools" 2020 (together with Šumskiene E). Presentation of results at the Department of the Persons with Disabiliteis on 03/26/2021.
Scientific Dissemination:
- Discusion about the role of social work in the situation of climate change: http://www.bernardinai.lt/straipsnis/2019-04-03-gamtos-ir-zmogaus-darnos-link-socialinio-teisingumo-klausimas/175169.
- Seminars in Klaipėda for teachers of preschool education institutions. 2018 11; 05/09/2019.
- Report on radio "Žinių radijas" program on March 10, 2020 (together with Egle Šumskiene) about the resarch of the work of Child Protection Services‘ employees.
- Consultation at the national event "School 2019": "Creating favourable environment for education", Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Center "Litexpo", November 22.
- Lecture for Lithuanian teachers on the occasion of Teachers' Day: "Creating a favorable educational environment for students with different abilities", Institute of Educational Sciences, 2020.10.30.
- Public presentations in the "Socionom Forum", VU: about the dilemmas of child protection workers and the application of the ecological map in studying the daily life of persons with disabilities; 2020, 2021.
- Lectures (2) on migration for VU volunteers going to refugee camps, 10/18/2021.
- Lithuanian Research Council project public event "People and places; how do people with disabilities become members of the community?" 03.12.2021.
Expert, consulting activities:
- Central project agency: Evaluation of projects of complex service centers for families having children with disabilities. September 2020 - January 2021.
- Evaluation of the Joint Interdisciplinary Language and Speech Therapy Program of VMU and KU. 2021 11-12.
- Expert evaluation of the "Educational Standards" prepared by the Qualification and Vocational Training Center (formation of the Lithuanian qualifications system). 04-05, 2019.
Other Related Activities:
Conferences Organisation:
- Member of the scientific committee of the international scientific conference "Social well-being from an interdisciplinary perspective: empowerment, equality, inclusion" 2021-11-25/26
- National conference to celebrate the International Day of Social Work "Social Work and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030". Member of the organizing committee. 15.03.2019.
- Member of the scientific committee of the international conference "Social work education in Europe: challenging boundaries, promoting a sustainable future". Paris, 2017. http://evenements.unaforis.eu/en/committees.
Presentations at Conferences (from 2016):
- Gevorgianienė V., The space for professional discretion in the situation of child removal from the family. ESWRA, Amsterdam 2022 04 05-08.
- Gevorgianienė V. A road less traveled: participation of persons with disabilities in designing maps of their daily experiences. Zurich. 2021 September 16-17.
- Gevorgianienė V. People and places - the impact of the establishment of group living homes on the well-being of the community. Social welfare from an interdisciplinary perspective: empowerment, equality, inclusion, VU 2021-11-25.
- Gevorgianienė V. et al. Symposium "Manifestation of aggression in the work of child rights protection specialists". IASSW Social work conference, Rimini (online) 03/16/2021.
- Gevorgianienė V. Searching for dignity in the context of the pandemic. University of Sarajevo, 16.03.2021 invited presentation (online).
- Gevorgianienė V. Application of the ecological map method in investigating the extent and nature of community participation of residents of group living homes. Conference of sociologists, 27.11.2020.
- Gevorgianienė V. The (in)visible role of social work in daily struggles of mothers with intellectual disabilities: implications for social work education. EASSW 2019: Madrid 06-04-07.
- Gevorgianienė V. Is there anything better than the lecture? / Social work education in Europe: challenging boundaries, promoting a sustainable future, Paris, 26 ‐ 29 June 2017 http://evenements.unaforis.eu/en.
- The member of the Executive committee of EASSW (European association of schools of social work) 2009-2017.
- ESWRA member since 2019.