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Research Area: |
Innovations in inclusive education and meeting special educational needs; Development of mathematical images and mathematical abilities of children with special educational needs |
Scientific Interests: |
Meeting children's special educational needs, individualization of education, development of functional mathematic literacy of students with special educational needs, social skills’ educaton; training of special pedagogues, issues of study quality |
Present Position: |
Assoc. professor in the Institute of Education Siauliai Academy, Vilnius University; Member of the Committee of Special Pedagogues and Speech Therapist bachelor study program; Member of the Committee of Lifelong Learning Center Programmes; Curator of Youth Volunteers at the Institute of Education of The Šiauliai Academy, Vilnius University. |
Education: |
Special pedagogue and speech therapist qualification, Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, 1995. Master of Social Sciences (Educology), Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, 1997. Doctor of Social Sciences (Education), Šiauliai University 2014. Dissertation topic: "Development of Functional Mathematic Literacy of Students with Moderate Special Educational Needs in Mainstream School". |
Experience (Past Positions): |
Institute of Education of Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Associate Professor (since 2022). Šiauliai University / Vilnius university Šiauliai Academy, lecturer (2011 – 2022); assistant (2007-2011), junior researcher (1998-2000). Šiauliai Dainai Pro-Gymnasium, special pedagogue - expert (since 2019) Šiauliai Salduvė Pro-Gymnasium, special pedagogue (1995-2019), special pedagogue - expert (since 2007). Šiauliai Salduvė Pro-Gymnasium (Head of the Lower Secondary Education Department (2011-2015). Work in Special Pedagogy and Speech Therapy bachelor's and master's study programs and Lifelong Learning Center Programmes Committees. Curator of Youth Volunteers at the Institute of Education, Šiauliai Academy, Vilnius University (since 2018). |
Publications: |
Study subjects: |
Mathematical education; Development of mathematical images; Learning disorders; Special educational needs and their satisfaction; Strategies for specific learning disabilities; Special pedagogy and psychology. |
Projects: |
Since 2021, "Optimizing the network of higher education institutions and improving the quality of studies by connecting Šiauliai University to Vilnius University", project code no. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001, expert. 2021-2022, project ,,European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities / (ENNEADI)“. Erasmus+ Programme Nr. 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008557 (Futura Soc. Cons.r.l. Bologna, Italy; Alam Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy; Nueva Opcion, Valensia, Spain; Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania),technician. 2020-2021, project "TĘSK" No. 09.2.1-ESFA-V-727-01-0001, carried out by the ŠMSM, National Education Agency and the Institute of Continuing and Distance Studies of Šiauliai University, the head of the young teacher's internship. 2016, project ,,Raising the awareness and prestige of Lithuanian higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, popularization of studies in Lithuania“, project code no. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-709-01-0001, lecturer. 2015-2016, international Lithuanian - Ukrainian LMT project "Professional Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities", contract No. TAP LU 01/2015/06-47-SU-9, researcher, coordinator of ŠU project activities. 2012-2013, project "Development of special teaching aids, stage II" (VP1-2.3-ŠMM-04-03-003), financed by the funds of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. Center of special pedagogy and psychology. Adaptation of mathematics teaching tool, prepared by. 2012-2013, project SOCPEDKOM (No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-03-V-01-001 ) - "Development of competences of pedagogues and other personnel of children's socialization centers and correction of the behavior of children (SOCPEDKOM)", project code VP1-2.2- ŠMM-03-V-01-001, qualification improvement program "Education and development of general education and functional competences of teachers, educators and educational support specialists", lecturer. In 2012, the Association of Special Pedagogues of the Republic of Lithuania carried out the Educational Community Associations Support Project VP1-2.2-ŠMM-02-V-01-004,,Testing and implementation of a model for improving the competences of primary school teachers and special education pedagogues to apply information communication technologies and innovative teaching methods ", executor. 2011-2012 European Social Fund-financed project VP1-2.2-ŠMM-02-V-01-006 "Development of the teacher qualification improvement and retraining system", participant of advisor training, project lecturer. 2010 - 2011, project PROMOK (implementation of problem-based teaching in studies) carried out by Šiauliai University, participant, reorganization of modules. 2009-2010, project "Strengthening of experience transfer and cooperation relations between local, regional and Euroregional level partners in Lithuania and Norway" sub-project "Strengthening of cooperation of employees working with children with special needs in the municipalities of Bjerkreim (Norway) and Plunge". Expert and lecturer. 2008-2009, Project of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Education Development Center on adapting the General Programs of the Republic of Lithuania to primary school students with medium and high special educational needs (member of the expert group for the preparation of recommendations). |
Internships, Grants: |
03/01/2012 - 06/30/2012, Palacky University of Olomouc (Czech Republic), third-cycle doctoral studies under the ERASMUS exchange program. Scientific leader - Assoc. prof. J. Michalik |
Practical experience: |
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Journal of Exceptional People, published at the University of Palacky (Olomouc, Czech Republic) (since 2012), www.jep.upol.cz . Practical activities of a special pedagogue in a mainstream school; Chairwoman of the methodological circle of special pedagogues of Šiauliai general education schools; Member of the jury of the qualification improvement programs of the Šiauliai City Municipality Education Center. |
Applied research projects: |
2016-2017 - Research commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science "Research on education and educational support in special schools and special education centers". Contract no. JS2016-1, 28/09/2016, researcher. 2015 - Šiauliai commissioned study by the municipality "The concept of educational services for families in need for lifelong learning", researcher. |
Scientific Dissemination: |
Kaffemanienė, I., Geležinienė, R., Tomėnienė, L. (2022). Report in the plenary session of the XIV international scientific conference ,, TEACHERS` TRAINING IN THE XXI CENTURY: CHANGES AND PERSPECTIVES“: ,,Transformation of Special Education in the Context of Inclusive Education: Evidence-Based Insights and Perspectives for Practice“, 2022-11-25 (https://www.sa.vu.lt/renginiai/1038-xvi-tarptautine-moksline-konferencija-mokytoju-ugdymas-xxi-amziuje-pokyciai-ir-perspektyvos). Tomėnienė, L. (2022). Lecture-presentation on the topic "How important is the cooperation of pedagogues and parents for the successful education of a child" at the republican conference of educational support specialists "Steps of Growth", University of Life LT, VšĮ; Pedagogas.lt, 2022 November 3 (https://www.pedagogas.lt/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8-8HCKU2JA). Tomėnienė, L., Kaffemanienė, I., Verpečinskienė, F. (2022). Presentation on the topic "Educational cooperation with students' parents, meeting children's special educational needs" at the 6th Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LETA) conference "Educational Practice and Research in a Turbulent World", 2022. October 13-14 (https://lera.lt/blog/2022/10/11/leta-konferencija-svietimo-praktika-ir-tyrimai-turbulentineame-pasaulije/). Tomėnienė, L., Kaffemanienė, I., Verpečinskienė, F. (2022). Stand report on the topic "Challenges of Teachers' Cooperation with Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs" at the International scientific conference ECER 2022 "Education in a changing world; the impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research", 2022 22-25 August, Yerevan, Armenia (https://www.conftool.net/ecer2022/;%20https:/whova.com/portal/webapp/ecer_202109/sign_in/). Kaffemaniene, I., Jureviciene, M., Tomeniene, L. (2022). Stand presentation on the topic "Features of Speech, Language and Communication in Children with Autism Spectrum" at the 8th Congress of speech therapists of the Baltic countries SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY ACROSS THE AGE SPAN. in 2022 May 12-13 (https://www.sa.vu.lt/8th-congress-of-baltic-states-slts/en/). |
Expert, consulting activities: |
Expert groups "Students with special "updating the determination of educational needs, groups, levels" member: together with a group of scientists, she performed an expert assessment of the Description, made proposals and presented the draft of the Description at publicity events. in 2021 October-December And in 2022 January-February Certificate of the Director of the National Education Agency 2022-03-03 No. SD-928 (1.6E). |
Awards: |
2021 - acknowledgment, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. |
Other Related Activities: |
Member of the Lithuanian, European, World Educational Research Association (LERA; EERA; WERA); Member of the Association of Special Education Pedagogues in the Republic of Lithuania; Member of the Lithuanian Association of Speech Therapists. |