


ORCID: 0000-0001-8601-3205

Research Area:

Social sciences (education)

Scientific Interests:

Teaching and Learning Processes; Early Mathematical Education; Self-directed and Personalized learning; Educational Quality Management

Present Position:

Prof. dr. of Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy


Doctor of Social Sciences (Education)

Experience (Past Positions):

Prof. dr. of Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy (from 2012);

Dean of the Faculty of Education, Šiauliai University (2008-2013);

Assoc prof. of Departments of Mathematics Didactics (2005-2008); of Department of Education (2008-2012);

Head of the Department of Educational System (2006-2007);

Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics Didactics (2001-2006).



Study subjects:

Doctoral studies: Teaching and learning theories, systems, models;

Master's studies: Education quality management;

Bachelor's studies: General pedagogy, Contemporary didactics, Mathematics didactics, Pre-school and pre-school mathematical education.


- Innovative teacher education through personalized learning / INTERPEARL. Erasmus+KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. University of Iceland; University College Cork, Ireland; VDU; VU; VUŠA (researcher).

- Critical Thinking in the Information Society (CTIS). Erasmus+KA2– Higher education. Greece (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania), Romania, Poland (Pedagogical University of Krakow), Hungary (University of Pécs), Lithuania (VUSA).

Scientific Dissemination:

- Qualitative Research Data Visualization Program "Kokybis".

  ISBN 978-609-430-154-4 P. 27 with CD attachment.

- Formative assessment for achievement and progress. Access:

- Developing creativity of elementary school students in solving practical problems. Access:

- A series of methodical books for self-directed and personalized learning in the classroom:

Gaučaitė R., Kazlauskienė A. (2018). Kaip pažinti save kaip besimokantįjį? / How to know yourself as a learner? Šiauliai: Titnagas.

Gaučaitė R., Kazlauskienė A. (2018) Kaip išsikelti mokymosi tikslus ir numatyti sėkmės kriterijus? / How to set learning goals and predict success criteria? Šiauliai: Titnagas.

Kazlauskienė A., Gaučaitė R. (2018). Kaip planuoti mokymąsi ir imtis veiksmų? / How to plan learning and take action? Šiauliai: Titnagas.

Kazlauskienė A., Gaučaitė R. (2018). Kaip organizuoti grįžtamąjį ryšį ir koreguoti tolesnius veiksmus? / How to organize feedback and adjust follow-up actions? Šiauliai: Titnagas.

Expert, consulting activities:

- Creator (co-author) of the General Program of Pre-school Education (Mathematical Education);

- Creator (co-author) of the Updated General Program Competence Description (Creativity Development);

- Creator (co-author) of Self-directed  and personalized learning system.

Other Related Activities:

- Member of of the General Education Council of Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Formos viršusof the Republic of Lithuania.

- Board member of Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA), Chair of General Education Network;

- Member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA);

- Member of the World Education Research Association (WERA);

- Member of European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH);

- Member of the coordination committee of Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET).