ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4585-9241
Research Area:
Social sciences, Education
Scientific Interests:
Pedagogical education of parents, Teacher training in higher education, Student pedagogical practice
Present Position:
- Assistant
- Chief Coordinator of Non-formal Education at the Center for Lifelong Learning
- Chair of the Lifelong Learning Programs Committee
- Member of the Committee of Study Programs in Childhood Pedagogy
- Member of the Pedagogy Study Program Committee
Doctoral Degree of Social Sciences (Education) – 2021
Doctoral Degree Diploma (Vilnius University, Lithuania).
Topic of dissertation - "Expression and organisation of parent-centered pedagogical education in the activity of pre-school education institution".
- Pedagogy of Primary Education, Master’s degree (Šiaulių universitetas, currently, Vilnius University, Lithuania) – 1998-2000
- Pedagogy of Primary Education, Bachelor's degree (Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, currently, Vilnius University, Lithuania) – 1996-1998
- Primary School Teacher Qualification (Panevėžys Conservatory, currently, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences) – 1993-1996
Experience (Past Positions):
Šiauliai University, currently, Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy assistant, lecturer, specialist, administrator of the Department of Education, administrator of the Institute of Education. 2011– to present.
Study subjects:
- Education and Counseling of Parents
- Family Pedagogy
- Pedagogical and Psychological Knowledge of the Child
- Pedagogical Monitoring of the Child
- Supervision of Student Coursework, Final Theses of Pedagogical Studies and Final Bachelor's Theses
- Trainee Manager in the "Tęsk" Project Nr. 09.2.1-ESFA-V-727-01-0001. 2020–2021.
- Expert Evaluator in the Project "Development of the System of General Admission to Higher Education Institutions“ Nr. 09.3.2ESFAV710010003. 2020–2022.
- Internship Participant in the Project "Optimization of the Network of Higher Education Institutions and Improvement of Study Quality by Connecting Šiauliai University to Vilnius University“ Nr. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001. 2022.
Scientific Dissemination:
- To participate or not to participate in the life of a preschool educational institution: parents' position? EXPERT ATTITUDE www.su.lt 2019.
- To participate or not to participate in the life of a preschool educational institution: parents' position? www.etaplius.lt 2019.
- The situation of parents' pedagogical education. Šiauliai television, program INFO TV, column Expert comment. 2022.
- "EMOTION MANAGEMENT ROOM" and other ways to address students' behavioral, emotional and learning difficulties“. www.svietimonaujienos.lt 2022.
Expert, consulting activities:
- Member of the expert discussion group of the project "Care is male: change in norms of masculinity in early education" carried out by the Public Enterprise "Equal Opportunities Development Center". 2021.
- Expert evaluator in the project "Development of the system of general admission to higher education institutions“ Nr. 09.3.2ESFAV710010003. 2016–2022.
Other Related Activities:
Member of the Academic Ethics Commission of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University