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Phone: +370 686 85708 ORCID: 0000-0001-6787-3306 |
Research Area: |
Social science (Educology) |
Scientific Interests: |
Education of children with behavioral and emotional difficulties and / or disorders Positive behavior support Evidence-based teacher practice Individual education/transition planning |
Present Position: |
Assoc. professor in the Institute of Education Siauliai Academy, Vilnius University. Leader of Special pedagogues and speech therapist bachelor study program |
Education: |
Special pedagogue and speech therapist qualification, Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, 1991 Master of Social Sciences (Educology), University of Šiauliai; 1999 Doctor of Social Sciences (Education), Šiauliai University 2009. Dissertation topic: "Evidence-based teacher's activities in educating students with behavioral and emotional disorders" ISCED 6 |
Experience (Past Positions): |
Šiauliai Academy, Vilnius University, associate professor, head of the Special Pedagogy and Speech Therapy study program since 2020 up to now. Šiauliai University, Institute of Education, associate professor (since 2012; lecturer 2009-2012; junior researcher 2004-2009). Šiauliai Zokniai secondary school, special pedagogue - expert, 2004-2018. Education and care center "Goda", speech therapist methodologist, 1991-2004. |
Publications: |
Study subjects: |
Lecture moduls „Behaviour and Emotional disorders“, „Education strategies of children with emotional and behavior disorders“ and „Individual education plan“, “Transistion plan and case analyse”, “Management of aggression”, academic instruction and research. |
Projects: |
1. From 2021 until now, as an expert, head of the research group, she participates in the project "Optimization of the network of higher education institutions and improvement of the quality of studies by connecting Šiauliai University to Vilnius University", project code no. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001 2. Erasmus + programs, KA2 strategic partnership project, International project "Smart learning motivation intervention model for students with emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties - SHELDON No. 2017-1LT01-KA201-035296, expert-researcher. 2018-2019 3. Head of the international project "SIGNS of Autism: Translating a new training film for use by professionals in Europe" for a team of Lithuanian scientists and practitioners. The result of the project is a translated (Lithuanian, Latvian, Italian and Spanish) and adapted video film "Birthday Gift", intended to familiarize the public and professionals with the main signs of autism. A survey of Lithuanian pedagogues was conducted in order to identify knowledge about persons with ASD. Participants: Cardiff University (UK), Autonoma de Madrid University (EU), Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (IT), University of Šiauliai (LT), University of Latvia (LV), ASD National Development Team (UK), Autismo España, Lithuanian autism association "Lietaus vaikii". 2017-2019 4. LIEPA – researcher-expert of the project Lietuvių shneka managed services (code VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K-01-001). (University of Vilnius project coordinator, University of Šiauliai - partner) 2013-2015 5. Project manager of the international project "Teaching diverse learners in (School) Subjects (TdiverS)" 541969-LLP-1 2013-1-DE-COMENIUS-CNW partner institution. The result: a video film about the teaching of students with different abilities in the classroom. Participants: Ludwigsburg University of Education (DE), University of Boras (SE), University of Luxembourg (LU), Autonomous University of Madrid (ES), University of Reykjavík (IS), University of Šiauliai (LT), Zokniai High School (LT), Sandora High School (LT) ), Geschwister School Tübingen (DE). 12/01/2013 - 11/30/2016 6. International project (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Germany) "Safe Social Web" (SocialWeb - SocialWork). Member of the expert group. The project is coordinated by Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany: http://socialwebsocialwork.eu/content/sections/index.cfm/secid.18/secid2.20 2012-2014. 7. Project SOCPEDKOM (No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-03-V-01-001 ) - "Development of competences of pedagogues and other personnel of children's socialization centers and correction of the behavior of children (SOCPEDKOM)", project code VP1-2.2- ŠMM-03-V-01-001, qualification improvement program "Education and development of general education and functional competences of teachers, educators and educational support specialists" participated in the training working group 2012-2013 8. Project "Strengthening of experience transfer and cooperation relations between local, regional and Euroregional level partners in Lithuania and Norway" sub-project "Strengthening of cooperation of employees working with children with special needs in the municipalities of Bjerkreim (Norway) and Plunge". Expert and lecturer. 2009-2010 |
Internships, Grants: |
1. Internship of the scientific activity "Assessment and analysis of the behavior and emotions of Lithuanian teenagers" (20 days). University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA. The scientific internship was financed by the Lithuanian Science Council, according to contract no. SF3-295/VYK-060. University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA 2015-02-09 - 2015-02-28 2. 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14 L'ARCOBALENO SERVIZI Società Cooperativa SocialeEuropean qualification improvement courses: "Children with Special Needs: Integration of Disabilities in classroom" The visit was financed by GRUNDTVIG program funds no. LLP-GRU-KT-2012-LT-00083. Reggio Emilia, Italy. 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14 |
Practical experience: |
1. From 2017 International Journal of School & Educational Psychology" reviewer (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijsep). 2-3 articles are reviewed per year. 2. Certified instructor of the CPI (Crisis Prevention and Intervention) program "The Management of Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA)", who attended the 13.00 and 32.5 hours 2014/10/07; 2015/11/11; 2017/04/11; program "Safe Intervention" 2020-10-25; 10/19/2021; 10/14/2022. |
Applied research projects: |
1. Member of the research group of the study "Quality of educational support in special schools and special education centers". Agreement in 2016 October 7 No. B4-67 of 2016 2. Šiauliai municipal activity program No. 11, measure: Cooperation of the municipality with Šiauliai University, implementing the program measure "Analysis of characteristics of a good school". Comp. No. SŽ-661/06-47-SU-40. 2014-2015 3. Geležinienė, R., Jurevičienė, M. developed and tested the behavior correction methodology in children's socialization centers in groups of girls and boys. Project "Development of competences of pedagogues and other personnel of children's socialization centers and correction of behavior of children (SOCPEDKOM)", project code VP1-2.2-ŠMM-03-V-01-001, 1.1.1. Participation in the working group of the executors of the activity "Methodology preparation, testing in partner institutions and publication of scientific study". 2013-06 - 09 |
Scientific Dissemination: |
1. Construction of positive behavior of adolescents in institutional, group and individual contexts level. X international scientific conference "Social welfare from an interdisciplinary point of view: empowerment, equality, inclusion. WOW HERE. Certificate no. MVG-VUŠA-2021-1178. Practice experiences of future special educators. XIII international scientific conference "Teacher education in the 21st century: changes and perspectives. Certificate no. R-20-0336. 2020-11-27. 2. The management of teenagers' positive behavior in Lithuanian schools: in institutional, group and individual levels. International conference on Education, Psychology, and Behavioral science (EPBS-2019). Turkey, Istanbul Certificate 2019-10-25-26 3. Educational experiences of students with disabilities. III Lithuanian educational research association (LETA) conference Lithuania, Kaunas. Certificate no. 15-5, 12-10-2019 Strategies for building desired behavior - all for one versus one against all. International scientific conference "Smart learning motivation intervention model for students with emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties" Lithuania, Šiauliai. Certificate no. EI-4-804, 10/04/2019 4. Education of students with special educational needs in a special school. International scientific conference Smart learning motivation intervention model for students with emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties. SHELDON 20017-1-LT01-KA201-035296. Šiauliai University, Reg.No. EI-4-852. 10/04/2019 5. Meeting special educational needs: special school experiences. International Symposium Social Welfare from an Interdisciplinary Approach: Positively Overcoming Social Exclusion. Siauliu university. 28/03/2019. note No. B-19-0127. |
Expert, consulting activities: |
1. Expert groups "Students with special "updating the determination of educational needs, groups, levels" member: together with a group of scientists, she performed an expert assessment of the Description, made proposals and presented the draft of the Description at publicity events. in 2021 October-December And in 2022 January-February Certificate of the Director of the National Education Agency 2022-03-03 No. SD-928 (1.6E). 2. Expert group "On indicators of thematic external evaluation of the performance quality of schools implementing general education programs, approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania in 2007. April 2 by order no. Member of ISAK-587 "Regarding the approval of the description of the organization and execution procedure of the external evaluation of schools implementing general education programs", restructuring and detailing the content, taking into account the intended object of the thematic external evaluation. 04/08/2021 Order of the Director of the National Education Agency no. VK-192. 3. Member of the expert group "On the approval of the 2017-2022 action plan for children's inclusion in education and multifaceted education". 2019-10-07 Order of the Minister of SMSM of the Republic of Lithuania No. V-1100 4. Expert group "Development group for the concept of children with autism spectrum and emotional disorders" Established by order of the Minister of Education and Science no. V-534. 05/08/2016 - 12/12/2016. 5. Member of the Coordinating Council of the Center for Special Pedagogy and Psychology (SPPC). Order of the Minister of Education and Science no. V-950. From 30/05/2011 to 2016 |
Awards: |
Acknowledgment of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania no. 731 of 2015 |
Other Related Activities: |
Supervision of doctoral studies: Simas Garbenis. Development of emotional intelligence of students with significant special educational needs in physical education classes. Social Sciences, Education (07S), University of Šiauliai. Scientific manager. From 2018 to now. Participation in the Erasmus Plus exchange program/teaching since 2009. so far 15 visits and lectures (8 hours). Chairperson of the Association of Special Pedagogues of the Republic of Lithuania. (www.lrspa.lt) Head of the research group (10 researchers) of the Institute of Education of the ŠU Institute of Inclusive Education and Innovations in Meeting Special Educational Needs (2020-2021) (http://su.lt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5836&Itemid=18582&lang=lt ) Member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (https://edukaciniaityrimai.wordpress.com/ ) 2021-01-18, 19 – 2021-02-15 Advance HE module 6: Evolution and improvement of lectures' activities (online) (12 academic hours). 15/09/2020 - 30/05/2021 listen for 60 hours. prof. Dr. David Bloom (Ohio State University, USA) training "Discourse analysis in educational research". in 2020 June - November participated in the project "Research on the training of specialists to provide full-fledged assistance to persons with disabilities in the health care system by raising the competences of researchers", 36 hours. in the "Ethnographic activity research" training. Certificate no. 053. 2020-05-13 participation in the seminar "Management of a doctoral student" (English language) lecturer: dr. Nicole Foeger and Armin Schmolmueller. Certification 05/13/2020. During the year, about 5-7 seminars and trainings are held for pedagogues of various institutions, social workers, teacher assistants, psychologists, and administration representatives. Topics of seminars: "Behavioral and emotional disorders", "Evidence-based activities of a teacher in educating children with behavioral and emotional disorders", "Construction of positive behavior at the individual, group and institutional level", "Prevention and management of aggression". |