ORCID: 0000-0002-7614-7688
WoS Researcher ID: AAA-2331-2020
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55600765900
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Remigijus-Bubnys
Google Scholar Citations Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3p92fYQAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Area:
Social sciences, education
Social sciences, psychology
Scientific Interests:
Higher education didactics; Reflective Learning and Experiential (Self-)Education Methods; Culture of Reflection and Leadership in the Organization; Modelling Practice of Reflective Studies; Research Methodology (Qualitative; Phenomenological Hermeneutics)
Present Position:
- Professor
- Chief Research Worker
- Supervisor of the research group Teacher Education and Teaching Processes
- Deputy Chairman of the Council of Šiauliai Academy
- Member of the Study Programs Committee for Education
- Social Sciences (Education Studies), PhD, Šiauliai University, currently, Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania – 2005–2009.
- Bachelor of Psychology, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania – 2001–2005.
- Primary and Secondary School Psychology Teacher Qualification, Master’s degree, Šiauliai University, currently, Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania – 1997–1999.
- Primary School Teacher Qualification, Bachelor's degree, Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, currently, Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania – 1995–1997.
- Primary School Teacher Qualification, Marijampolės Higher Pedagogical School, now, Marijampolė College, Lithuania – 1990–1995.
Experience (Past Positions):
- Professor (Vilnius university) – since 2021.
- Professor (Kaunas university of technology) – since 2019.
- Chief Research Worker (Vilnius university) – since 2021.
- Professor (Šiauliai university) – 2016–2020.
- Chief Research Worker (Šiauliai university) – 2018–2020.
- Assoc. professor (Šiauliai university) – 2011–2016.
- Vice-Rector for Studies (Šiauliai university) – 2014–2019.
- Head of the Department of Social Work (Šiauliai State College) – 2008–2014.
- Lecturer (Šiauliai university) – 2008–2011.
- Assistant (Šiauliai university) – 2000–2007.
- Teacher, lecturer, assoc. professor (Šiauliai State College) – 1997–2014.
Study subjects:
General psychology, Educational Psychology, Methodology of Educational Research, Methodology of Qualitative Research in Special and Inclusive Education, Supervision of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations
Internships, Grants:
Visiting Professor Pedagogical University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland (2019–2020)
Practical experience:
- Teacher of Psychology (Šiauliai Gegužių Secondary School) – 2000–2001.
- Teacher of Psychology (Šiauliai University Gymnasium) – 2019–2021.
Expert, consulting activities:
- Member of the Higher Education Evaluation Commission
- Member of the joint doctoral committee in the field of education studies of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian Sports University and Vilnius University
Other Related Activities:
- Member of Lithuanian Scientists’ Association (since 2001)
- Member of the Educational Research Association of Lithuania (LERA), EERA (European Educational Research Association), and WERA (World Education Research Association)
- Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, e-ISSN 2424-3876
- Member of the editorial board of the periodic peer reviewed collection of scientific articles Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases (JRCD), e-ISSN: 2300-5505
- Member of International Advisory Committee of the periodic peer reviewed journal Homo et Societas (Around Social Work), ISSN 2543-6104, e-ISSN 2719-485X
- ·Member of the editorial board of the periodic peer reviewed collection of scientific articles Science and Educational Processes, ISSN 1822-4644
- Member of the editorial board of the periodic peer reviewed collection of scientific articles American Journal of Educational Research, ISSN (print) 2327-6126; ISSN (online) 2327-6150
- Member of the editorial board of the periodic peer reviewed collection of scientific articles Social Health, ISSN 2351–6062